This is a list of notable Freemasons. Freemasonry is a fraternal organization which exists in a number of forms worldwide. Throughout history some members of the fraternity have made no secret of their involvement, while others have not made their membership public. In some cases, membership can only be proven by searching through the fraternity’s records. Such records are most often kept at the individual Lodge level, and may be lost due to fire, flood, deterioration, or simple carelessness. Grand Lodge governance may have shifted or reorganized, resulting in further loss of records on the member or the name, number, location or even existence of the Lodge in question. In areas of the world where Masonry has been suppressed by governments, records of entire Grand Lodges have been destroyed. Because of this, masonic membership can sometimes be difficult to verify.
Standards of “proof” for those on this list may vary widely; some figures with no verified Lodge affiliation are claimed as Masons if reliable sources give anecdotal evidence suggesting they were familiar with the “secret” signs and passes, but other figures are rejected over technical questions of irregularity in the Lodge that initiated them. Where available, specific Lodge membership information is provided; where serious questions of verification have been noted by other sources, this is indicated as well.
- JosΓ© Abad Santos, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Philippines.[1]
- John Abbott Canadian Prime Minister (1891β1892). Initiated St. Paul’s, No. 374, E.R., Montreal, 1847.[2]
- William “Bud” Abbott of the Abbott & Costello comedy team.[3]
- Nicanor Abelardo, Filipino composer. Raised in Luzon Lodge No. 57 [4]
- Sherman Adams Governor of New Hampshire and U.S. Congressman.[3]
- Edward Neville da Costa Andrade, English physicist. Initiated into Lodge Progresso No. 4 in 1935.[5]
- Lewis Addison Armistead, Confederate general during the American Civil War. Alexandria-Washington Lodge #22, Alexandria, Virginia[6]
- Gregorio Aglipay, Supreme Bishop of the Philippine Independent Church.[7]
- Emilio Aguinaldo President of the Philippines. Pilar Lodge No. 203 (now Pilar Lodge No. 15) at Imus Cavite and was founder of Magdalo Lodge No. 31 (renamed Emilio Aguinaldo Lodge No. 31 in his honor).[3]
- AgustΓn I of Mexico, emperor of Mexico[8]
- Nelson Aldrich, United States Senator from Rhode Island. Treasurer of the Grand Lodge of Rhode Island 1877-78, member of What Cheer lodge.[3]
- Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin Astronaut. Montclair Lodge No. 144, New Jersey.[9]
- Elizabeth Aldworth, Noted female Mason. Entered Apprentice and Fellowcraft Degree in 1712.[10]
- Vasile Alecsandri Romanian Poet, playwright, politician and diplomat.[11]
- JosΓ© Eloy Alfaro Delgado – President of Ecuador[12]
- Salvador Allende Socialist president of Chile (1970β1973). Lodge Progreso No. 4, ValparaΓso.[9]
- Abd al-Qadir al-Jaza’iri, Sufi mystic, scholar and political leader.1864 (one on-line source says 1867, contemporary sources say 1864), member Henri IV, Paris, but degree work conducted at Lodge of the Pyramids, Alexandria, Egypt [13][14]
- Ezra Ames, Portrait painter[3]
- Jules Anspach, Belgian Liberal politician[15]
- Galicano Apacible, Filipino politician.[16]
- Raymond Apple, Chief Rabbi, Great Synagogue (Sydney), Australia, (1972β2005)[17]
- Sir Edward Victor Appleton, English Physicist. Nobel Prize 1947. Isaac Newton Lodge No. 859, Cambridge.[9]
- Dennis Archer, US Politician. Geometry Lodge #49 (Prince Hall), Detroit[18]
- Constantin Argetoianu, Prime Minister of Romania, 1939.[11]
- John Armstrong, Jr., American soldier, delegate to the Continental Congress, United States Senator and United States Secretary of War. Hibernia Lodge No. 339, New York.[19]
- Thomas Arne Composer of Rule Britannia [5]
- Benedict Arnold, Hiram Lodge No. 1, New Haven, Connecticut (expelled 1781)[20]
- Eddy Arnold, singer[3]
- FranΓ§ois-Marie Arouet (Voltaire), Raised 1778 by WM Ben Franklin, Loge des Neuf SΕurs, Paris[21]
- Gheorghe Asachi Romanian writer, poet, painter, historian, dramatist and translator.[11]
- Elias Ashmole, 17th-century English antiquary and politician, Warrington Lodge, Lancashire[22]
- John Jacob Astor, American Financier, The Holland Lodge No. 8, New York, New York, 1790[23]
- Mustafa Kemal AtatΓΌrk National hero and founder of the modern Republic of Turkey. Macedonia Risorta Lodge No. 80 (some claim Lodge Veritas), Thessaloniki[24][25][26]
- Stephen F. Austin Secretary of State for the Republic of Texas. Louisiana Lodge No. 109, Missouri.[3]
- Gene Autry, Movie and television star, Catoosa Lodge No. 185, OK[27]
- Johann Christian Bach, Composer. Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235, London.[28]
- Michael Baigent, British author and editor of Freemasonry Today[29]
- Mikhail Bakunin, Russian revolutionary, Lodge Il Progresso Sociale, Florence 1864,[30]
- Nicolae BΔlcescu, Romanian historian, journalist and 1848 revolutionary.[11]
- Henry Baldwin, US Associate Justice (1830β1844):[31] Master of Lodge No. 45 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in 1805[31]
- Harold Ballard, One time owner of Toronto Maple Leafs National Hockey League team. Corinthian No. 481, GRC, Toronto, ON.[2]
- Simion BΔrnuΕ£iu, Romanian philosopher and politician.[32]
- Diego MartΓnez Barrio, Prime minister of Spain and founder of the Republican Union Party[33]
- Frederic Bartholdi, Sculptor of the Statue of Liberty in New York. Lodge Alsace-Lorraine, Paris.[34]
- Edmund Barton, first Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Australia, Speaker of the legislative assembly.[3]
- William “Count” Basie, Jazz orchestra leader and composer. Wisdom Lodge No. 102 (Prince Hall), Chicago. Also a Shriner.[3]
- Frederick Bates, Governor of Missouri.[3]
- Birch Bayh, US Senator from Indiana from 1962-1981.[3]
- Daniel Carter Beard, Founder of the Boy Scouts. Made a Mason in Mariner’s Lodge No. 67, New York City, New York, and later affiliated with Cornucopia Lodge 563, Flushing, New York.[35]
- Gunning Bedford, Jr, Signer of the U.S. Constitution, first Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Delaware.[36]
- Edvard BeneΕ‘, President of Czechoslovakia (1935β1939, 1945β1948). Ian Amos Komensky Lodge No. 1, Prague.[37]
- R.B. Bennett, Prime Minister of Canada 1930-1935.[3]
- Lloyd M. Bentsen, US Senator from Texas[3]
- Irving Berlin, Composer. Munn Lodge No.190, New York.[38]
- Silvio Berlusconi, Italian media tycoon and politician. Propaganda Due, Expelled in 1981 (some say 1976) by the Grand Orient of Italy[39]
- RamΓ³n Emeterio Betances, Puerto Rican politician and statesman. Logia UniΓ³n Germana, San GermΓ‘n, Puerto Rico.[40]
- George Valentin Bibescu, Romanian aviation pioneer, Grand Master of Romanian Grand Lodge from 1911 to 1916.[11]
- Henry Harrison Bingham, Union Army officer during the American Civil War. Chartiers Lodge #297, Canonsburg, Pennsylvania.[6]
- Francis Bischof, Queensland Australia Police Commissioner from 1958-1969.[41]
- Hugo L. Black, US Associate Justice (1937β1971),[31] Birmingham Temple Lodge No. 836, Birmingham, AL
- John Blair, US Associate Justice (1789β96), and Grand Master of Virginia from 1778 to 1784.[31]
- Samuel Blatchford, US Associate Justice (1882β1893)[31]
- Dimitrie Bolintineanu, Romainan poet, politician, 1848 revolutionary.[11]
- SimΓ³n BolΓvar, Leader of South American independence. (Initiated: CΓ‘diz, Spain)[35] Founding brother of Lodge Order and Liberty No. 2, Peru, 1824[42]
- Cezar Bolliac, Radical Romanian political figure, amateur archaeologist, journalist and Romantic poet.[11]
- Shadrach Bond, first Governor of Illinois.[43]
- AndrΓ©s Bonifacio, Leader during Philippine Revolution from Spain. Taliba Lodge No. 165 under Gran Oriente EspaΓ±ol (Spanish Grand Lodge).[44]
- Omar Bongo, President of Gabon.[45]
- Robert Borden, Prime Minister of Canada St. Andrew’s Lodge No. 1, Halifax, Nova Scotia[46]
- Gutzon Borglum, American sculpture, raised in Howard Lodge No. 35.[47]
- Walter Breuning Currently the oldest man alive[citation needed]
- Lincoln Borglum, Son of Gutzon Borglum, completed the Mount Rushmore project, raised in Battle River Lodge No. 92.[47]
- Ernest Borgnine, Actor, Abingdon Lodge No. 48;[48] however another source indicates Melrose Lodge No. 63, California[49]
- James Boswell, Scottish writer, raised in Canongate Kilwinning Lodge at Edinburgh, 1759[6]
- Mackenzie Bowell, Prime Minister of Canada from 1894-1896[35]
- James Bowie, Frontiersman, Inventor of the Bowie knife. L’Humble Chaumiere Lodge No. 19 Opelousas, Louisiana.[50]
- Charles Bradlaugh, 19th century Atheist and Republican MP, Grand Lodge des Philadelphes, London[51]
- Omar N. Bradley, US General. West Point Lodge No. 877, New York[35]
- Sir Donald Bradman, Australian Cricketer.[52]
- Johannes Brahms, Composer.[53]
- Sir Christoffel Brand, first Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of the Cape Colony[54]
- Joseph Brant, Principal Chief of the Six Nations Indians. Initiated in Lodge No. 417, 1776. First Master of Lodge No. 11, Mohawk Village (near Brantford) in 1798.[2]
- Dimitrie BrΔtianu, Prime Minister of Romania (1881).[11]
- Ion C. BrΔtianu, Romanian politician, three-time Prime Minister of Romania.[11]
- David Brearley, Signer of the US Constitution on behalf of New Jersey, the first Grand Master of Masons for the State of New Jersey.[55]
- Henry Brougham, Scottish abolitionist and founder of Edinburgh Review. Raised in Fortrose Lodge, Stornway, Scotland[6]
- James Bruce, Scottish explorer. Canongate Kilwinning Lodge[6]
- Samuel von Brukenthal, Baron of the Holy Roman Empire.[11]
- William Jennings Bryan, American politician, United States Congressman, U. S. Secretary of State and presidential candidate. Lincoln Lodge No. 19, Lincoln, Nebraska.[56]
- James Buchanan, U.S. President,[35] Lodge No. 43, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
- Frank Buckles, last living American veteran of World War I.
- Charles Buls, mayor of Brussels[15]
- Luther Burbank, US horticulturist, botanist, agricultural science pioneer. Santa Rosa Lodge No. 57,[6]
- Arleigh Burke, US Admiral[27] Supreme Temple Architect (Honored in 1997)[57]
- Robert Burnaby, English explorer and businessman. First Past Master of Victoria Lodge No. 1085, District Grand Master (English) of British Columbia.[58]
- Conrad Burns, US Senator from Montana[3]
- Robert Burns, National poet of Scotland. St. David’s Lodge No. 174, Tarbolton.[59]
- Harold H. Burton, US Associate Justice (1945β1958)[31]
- Arthur Leopold Busch, naval architect. Member of Peconic Lodge No. 349 Greenport, New York.[citation needed]
- Cyriel Buysse, Flemish nationalist writer[15]
- Harry F. Byrd, Governor of Virginia, United States Senator from Virginia. Hiram Lodge No. 21, Winchester, Virginia.[60]
- Richard E. Byrd, US Admiral. Initiated in Federal Lodge No. 1 and founded First Antarctic Lodge No. 777 in 1935[6]
- James F. Byrnes, US Associate Justice (1941β1942)[31]
- Alessandro Cagliostro, Sicilian charlatan and occultist[61]
- Plutarco ElΓas Calles, President of Mexico[62]
- Malcolm Campbell, English motor-racer[6]
- Manuel Camus, Philippine Senator. October 12, 1898, Zetland in the East Lodge No 508 Singapore, under the jurisdiction of the M. W. Grand Lodge of England.[63]
- Gheorghe Grigore Cantacuzino Prime Minister of Romania.[11]
- Eddie Cantor. Entertainer, raised in Munn Lodge No 190, New York City[6]
- Emmanuel Carasso. Ottoman lawyer and politician, Grand Master of the Italian-rite Macedonia Risorta in Salonica.[64]
- Carol II King of Romania (1930β40).[11]
- JosΓ© Miguel Carrera, Chilean General and President.[65] St. John’s Lodge No. 1, New York[66]
- Kit Carson, American Adventurer. Montezuma Lodge No. 109, Sante Fe, New Mexico[35]
- Paul Foster Case, Founder of the Los Angeles occult school, the Builders of the Adytum, Fairport Lodge No. 476, Fairport, New York[67]
- Lewis Cass, US Politician and diplomat. American Union Lodge No.1, Marietta, Ohio. First Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Michigan[68][69]
- Marc Chagall, Russian artist. initiated in 1912[70]
- Thomas Chalmers, Lodge St. Vigean, 1800[70]
- Joshua Chamberlain, Commander of US forces on Little Round Top during the American Civil War battle of Gettysburg, and governor of Maine. United Lodge #8, Brunswick, Maine[71]
- Nicolas Chamfort, French writer, Loge des Neuf Soeurs, Paris[21]
- Walter Chrysler Founder of Chrysler Corporation.[3]
- Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Studholme Alliance Lodge No. 1591, Rosemary Lodge No. 2851. (Note: The Churchill Society claims he resigned from his Lodges in 1912.)[72]
- AndrΓ© Citroen, French engineer and motor-car manufacturer, Lodge La Philosophie, Paris[70]
- John H. Clarke, US Associate Justice (1916β1922)[31]
- Thomas C. Clark, US Associate Justice (1949β1967)[31]
- Mark Wayne Clark, US Army General, Mystic Tie Lodge No. 398, Indianapolis[70]
- William Clark, Explorer, Lewis and Clark expedition. Saint Louis Lodge No. 111.[73]
- Henry Clay Speaker of the. U.S. House of Representatives and Grand Master of Kentucky.[3]
- Moses Cleaveland founded the city of Cleaveland, Ohio, Worshipful Master of Moriah Lodge in 1791[70]
- DeWitt Clinton, Governor of New York State, Grand Master of NY during the Morgan Affair, The Holland Lodge No. 8, New York, New York, 1790[74]
- Tyrus Cobb, baseball star. Royston Lodge No. 426, Detroit[70]
- William F. Cody, a.k.a. Buffalo Bill, raised in Platte Valley Lodge No. 15, Nebraska[75]
- George Cohan, Broadway star, raised in Pacific Lodge No. 233, New York City[75]
- Harry Cohn, Pacific Lodge No. 233, New York[49]
- Ernest E. Cole, Commissioner of Education of the State of New York, (1940β1942)[76]
- Nat King Cole pianist and ballad singer.[3]
- Thomas Cole, English-born American artist, founder of Hudson River School. Amity Lodge No. 5, Zanesville, Ohio.[77]
- Samuel Colt manufacturer of Colt revolvers[75]
- Γmile Combes, French Prime Minister[78][79][80]
- Spencer Compton, 7th Marquess of Northampton, Pro Grand Master, United Grand Lodge of England, 2001-2009[81][82]
- Charlie Conacher, Canadian ice hockey player. Initiated in North Gate Lodge No. 591, Pickering, Ontario, in 1935.[2]
- Marquis de Condorcet, French mathematician and philosopher, Lodges de Neuf Soeurs[75]
- Leroy Cooper, U.S. astronaut, member of Carbondale Lodge No. 82, Colorado[75]
- Harry H. Corbett actor- star of Steptoe and Son[83]
- Charles de Coster, Belgian author [15]
- Edith Cowan, First woman elected to Australian Parliament, Member of St Cuthberts Lodge Perth Australia (Le Droit Humain).[84]
- Francesco Crispi, Prime Minister of Italy[85] (possibly expelled in 1894?)[86]
- Miron Cristea Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church (1925β39), Prime Minister of Romania (1938β39).[11]
- Davy Crockett, 19th-century American folk hero, frontiersman, soldier and politician[75]
- Aleister Crowley, English occultist, Anglo-Saxon Lodge No. 343, Paris (GLdF), 1904[87]
- William Cushing, US Associate Justice (1789β1810),[31] St. Andrews Lodge, Boston
- Alexander John Cuza Romanian Domnitor of the Danubian Principalities, 1859-66.[11]
- Erasmus Darwin, English physician, philosopher, poet, grandfather of Charles Darwin. Member of Canongate Kilwinning Lodge No. 2, Edinburgh, Scotland.[88]
- EugΓ¨ne Goblet d’Alviella, Vice-chancellor of the UniversitΓ© Libre de Bruxelles and Belgian senator.[15]
- Jim Davidson. British comedian, Former Master, Chelsea Lodge, England (resigned), Founding Master of British Forces Foundation (Lodge) No. 9725[89][90]
- Carol Davila Romanian Physician.[11]
- William Crosby Dawson, US Judge and Politician, San Marino Lodge No. 34, F.&A.M, Greensboro, GA. Grand Master of Masons in Georgia from 1843 until his death in Greensboro on May 6, 1856.[91]
- William Ralph “Dixie” Dean, Everton and England footballer 1925-1937; initiated in Randle Holme Lodge, No. 3261, Birkenhead, Cheshire on 18 February 1931.[92]
- Ovide Decroly, Belgian educationalist. initiated in Lodge Les Amis Philanthropes No. 2, Brussels in 1902 [75]
- Cecil B. DeMille Movie Director, member of Prince of Orange Lodge No. 16, New York City[75]
- SΓΌleyman Demirel, 9th President of the Republic of Turkey. Bilgi Lodge No.015, Ankara. Grand Lodge of Turkey.[93]
- Jack Dempsey, heavyweight boxing champion in 1919, Kenwood Lodge No. 800, Chicago[75]
- FrΓ©dΓ©ric Desmons, Protestant priest who persuaded the Grand Orient de France to remove the term of the Great Architect of the Universe from their Constitution[94]
- Willis Van Devanter, US Associate Justice (1911β1937)[31]
- Thomas Dewey, American politician (1902β1971)[95]
- Blaise Diagne, Senegalese political leader[96]
- Porfirio DΓaz, President of Mexico[97]
- John George Diefenbaker, Prime Minister of Canada, Wakaw Lodge No. 166, Wakaw, SK[98]
- Everett Dirksen U.S. Congressman and Minority Leader of the U.S. Senate.[3]
- Henry Dodge U.S. Senator from Wisconsin.[3]
- Bob Dole, US politician[27] Russell Lodge No. 177, Kansas[35]
- Ed Doolan US Radio Presenter[99]
- James Doolittle, US General.[27]
- Tommy Douglas, Canadian politician, Weyburn Lodge No. 20, Weyburn, SK[100]
- William O. Douglas, US Associate Justice (1939β1975)[31]
- Jim Douglas, Governor of Vermont [101]
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle British physician and author, creator of Sherlock Holmes.[3]
- Edwin Drake, US oil industry pioneer, Oil Creek Lodge No. 3, Titusville, Pennsylvania[75]
- Jean Henri Dunant founder of the Red Cross and shared the first Nobel Prize[102]
- Herbert Dunnico, UK Politician and Master of the New Welcome Lodge[103]
- Joseph Duveen, 1st Baron Duveen, UK art dealer, Royal Colonial Institute Lodge No. 3556[102]
- Eberhard Faber, founder of the Faber Pencil Company. Chancellor Walworth No. 271, New York.[102]
- Douglas Fairbanks, movie star. Member of Beverly Hills Lodge No. 528[102]
- Ettore Ferrari, Italian sculptor. Grand Master of the Grande Oriente d’Italia.[108]
- Ignaz Aurelius Fessler, Hungarian ecclesiastic and writer. Member of Lodge Pythagoras of the Blazing Star in Berlin.[109]
- Johann Gottlieb Fichte, German philosopher. Member of Lodge Pythagoras of the Blazing Star in Berlin.[109]
- Stephen J. Field, US Associate Justice (1863β1897)[31]
- W. C. Fields, American comedian, E. Coppee Mitchell Lodge No. 605, Philadelphia[102]
- Charles Finney, American preacher, evangelist and author (1792β1875). Meridian Sun Lodge No. 32 in Warren, New York. Finney asked for dismissal and was discharged.[110]
- Hamilton Fish IV, US Politician[111]
- Geoffrey Fisher, the 99th Archbishop of Canterbury and head of the worldwide Anglican Communion.[35][90]
- John Fitch, US engineer. Member of Bristol lodge No.25[102]
- Sir Alexander Fleming, Scottish biologist and pharmacologist. London Scottish Rifles Lodge No. 2310.[112]
- Sanford Fleming, Canadian engineer and inventor. St. Andrew’s No. 16, Toronto, Ontario.[2]
- Benjamin Franklin, American inventor and statesman. St. John’s Lodge, Philadelphia, February 1731[113]
- Clark Gable, Actor, Beverly Hills Lodge No. 528, California[49]
- Isabelle Gatti de Gamond, pioneering Belgian secular educationalist and Socialist activist[15]
- James A. Garfield, U.S. President. Magnolia Lodge No. 20, Columbus Lodge No. 30, and Garrettsville Lodge No. 246, Ohio[35][114]
- Giuseppe Garibaldi, Italian general.[115]
- Licio Gelli, Italian politician. Worshipful master of Propaganda Due – Expelled in 1981 (some say 1976) by the Grand Orient of Italy.[116]
- George IV, King of Great Britain, UGLE[90]
- George VI, King of Great Britain, UGLE[90]
- Ion Ghica, twice Prime Minister of Romania, four-time President of the Romanian Academy.[11]
- Sir W S Gilbert, one half of ‘Gilbert and Sullivan‘.[117]
- King C. Gillette, American businessman[118]
- Nicholas Gilman, delegate to the Continental Congress, signer of the U.S. Constitution, member of the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate. St. John’s Lodge No. 1, Portsmouth, New Hampshire[119]
- John H. Glenn, Jr., Astronaut and US Senator[27] Concord Lodge No.688 Concord, Ohio[35]
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German philosopher and Poet. Lodge Amelie, Weimar.[120]
- Octavian Goga, Prime Minister of Romania (1937β38).[11]
- Alexandru G. Golescu, Prime Minister of Romania (1870).[11]
- E. Urner Goodman, co-founder of the Boy Scouts‘ Order of the Arrow[121]
- Ron Greenwood, England national football team manager 1977-1982; initiated in Lodge of Proven Fellowship, London in 1956[92]
- Henri GrΓ©goire, Roman Catholic priest, Constitutional bishop of Blois and French revolutionary leader.[45]
- D. W. Griffith, Film director, St. Cecile Lodge No. 568, New York[49]
- Virgil I. Grissom, American astronaut. Mitchell Lodge No. 228, Mitchell, Indiana.[122]
- Sam House, Professional Mobile DJ in Los Angeles, CA.
- William Howley, the 90th Archbishop of Canterbury, and head of the worldwide Anglican Communion. Royal York Lodge, Bristol, England.[135][136][137]
- Edward John Hutchins (1809β1876), a Liberal MP in the UK Parliament M[138]
- Timothy Hutton, Actor, Herder Lodge No. 698, Borough of Queens, New York[139]
- Camille Huysmans, Mayor of Antwerp and Prime Minister of Belgium.[15]
- Nat Jackley English comic actor.[141]
- Andrew Jackson, U.S. President. Harmony Lodge No. 1[35]
- Jesse Jackson, US Civil Rights leader and Politician, Harmony Lodge No. 88, Chicago, Illinois (PHA)[142][143]
- Robert H. Jackson, U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice (1941β1954)[31]
- John Jay, Chief Justice of the United States (1789β1795)[31]
- Andrew Johnson, U.S. President. Greenville Lodge No. 119, Tennessee[35]
- Lyndon B. Johnson, U.S. President. Johnson City Lodge No. 561, Texas (EA degree only)[144]
- Al Jolson, Actor, St. Cecile Lodge No. 568, New York[49]
- John Paul Jones, Naval hero during the American Revolution, St. Bernards Lodge No. 122, Kirkudbright, Scotland[35]
- Melvin Jones, Founder of Lions Clubs International, Garden City Lodge No. 141, Illinois[35]
- Benito JuΓ‘rez, President of Mexico. Rito Nacional Mexicano de la Logia Independiente, No. 02
- David Kalakaua, King of Hawaii, 1874-91. Lodge Le Progress de l’Oceanie No. 124[35]
- Emanuel Karasu; see Emmanuel Carasso.
- Alexander Keith, Canadian politician and brewmaster, former Grand Master of Nova Scotia [145]
- Rudyard Kipling, UK author and poet, Hope and Perseverance Lodge No. 782. E.C., Lahore, India; founding member, The Builders of the Silent Cities Lodge No. 12, St. Omer, France, F.R.[146]
- Adolph Knigge, German author[147]
- Mark Koltko-Rivera, American scientific author in field of psychology. Winter Park Lodge #239 (Florida).[148]
- Mihail KogΔlniceanu Prime Minister of Romania (1863β65), Liberal statesman, lawyer, historian and publicist.[11]
- Otto Kruger, Actor, St. Cecile Lodge No. 568, New York[49]
- Marquis de Lafayette, French military officer who served as a general in the American Revolutionary War and a leader of the Garde Nationale during the French Revolution.[149]
- Burt Lahr,[49] Pacific Lodge No. 33, New York[citation needed]
- Joseph Lamar, US Associate Justice (1888β1893), Webb Lodge No. 166 F.& A.M., Augusta, Georgia[31]
- Frank S. Land, member of the Ivanhoe Lodge #446 on June 29, 1912 in Kansas City. He was the founder of DeMolay International.[150]
- Cornelis Jacobus Langenhoven (1873β1932), Afrikaans writer and member of South African parliament.[151][152]
- JosΓ© P. Laurel, President of the Japanese-Sponsored Republic of the Philippines during World War II, from 1943 to 1945. Batangas Lodge No. 383 under the Gran Oriente Espanol, (renamed Batangas Lodge No. 35 under the Grand Lodge of the Philippines).[153]
- Daniel Leavitt, inventor, manufacturer. Member of Chicopee, Massachusetts Lodge[154]
- Scott Leavitt, United States Congressman from Montana. Member of Delta Lodge 128, Great Falls, Montana[155]
- Thomas Leavitt, diplomat, politician, businessman, Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada. Member of Albion Lodge No. 52, Saint John, New Brunswick[156]
- Henry Lee III, Governor of Virginia, United States Congressman from Virginia, father of Confederate General Robert E. Lee. Hiram Lodge No. 59, Westmoreland County, Virginia[157]
- Richard Henry Lee, president of the Continental Congress, United States Senator from Virginia. Hiram Lodge No. 59, Westmoreland County, Virginia.[158]
- William Legge, 7th Earl of Dartmouth, British peer and conservative politician. Grand superintendent of the Royal Arch, Staffordshire.[159]
- Leopold I, King of Belgium[15]
- Meriwether Lewis, Explorer, Lewis and Clark expedition. Door to Virtue Lodge No. 44, Albemarle County, Virginia.[73]
- Frank Licht, Politician. Governor of Rhode Island (1969β1973)[160]
- Benjamin Lincoln, Major General in the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. Member, Rising Sun Lodge, Massachusetts.[161]
- Charles Lindbergh, US Aviator and chairman of the America First Committee, Keystone Lodge No. 243, St. Louis, Mo.[162]
- Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle, composer of La Marseillaise[163]
- Pascal Lissouba, president of the Republic of the Congo, 1992-1997.[45]
- Franz Liszt, Composer. Lodge zur Einigkeit, Frankurt.[104]
- Harold Lloyd, silent film comedian and Imperial Potentate of the Shriners of North America, 1949-50.[164]
- Graciano LΓ³pez Jaena, Filipino writer and journalist in the Philippine Revolution. Worshipful Master at Logia Povernir No. 2.[165]
- Trent Lott, Former majority leader of the US Senate[166]
- Louis Philippe II, Duke of OrlΓ©ans, Grand Master of the Grand Orient de France during the French Revolution[167]
- Juan Luna, Filipino painter and a political activist of the Philippine Revolution during the 19th century. Raised in Paris, France, under the auspices of Lodge Solidaridad 53.[168]
- Apolinario Mabini, First prime minister, 1899. September 1892 at Logia Balagtas 149 under the Grand Oriente Espanol.[169]
- General Douglas MacArthur, US General during World War II,[27] Manila Lodge No. 1, 1936, Philippines [35]
- Sir John A. Macdonald, first Prime Minister of the Dominion of Canada (1867β1873 and 1878β1891). Began the creation of rail service across Canada. St. John’s Lodge No. 758, Kingston, Ontario. Honourary Past Grand Senior Warden.[2]
- John Bayne Maclean, Canadian founder of Maclean’s Magazine and President of Maclean’s Publishing Co. Ionic Lodge No. 25, Toronto, ON.[2]
- Robert Macoy, US publisher and organizer of Eastern Star[170]
- Titu Maiorescu, Romanian literary critic and politician, Prime Minister of Romania (1913β14).[11]
- John Marshall, Chief Justice of the United States (1801β1835), Grand Master of Virginia from 1793-1795[31]
- Joseph Martin (1740β1808), Virginia militia general, explorer and Indian agent[171]
- Thomas S. Martin, United States Senator from Virginia. Scottsville Lodge No. 4, Scottsville, Virginia[172]
- Thurgood Marshall, U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice (1967β1991), Coal Creek Lodge No. 88, Tulsa, Oklahoma PHA[35]
- Harpo Marx, US film comedian[173]
- Francis Mason, American missionary and zoologist[174]
- James Mawdsley (1848β1902), English trade unionist[175]
- Louis B. Mayer, Director, St. Cecile Lodge No. 568, New York[49]
- Giuseppe Mazzini, Italian Revolutionary, Grand Master of the Grande Oriente d’Italia[108]
- John S. McCain, Jr. (1911β1981), US admiral, made “Mason at Sight”, Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia, 1975, enrolled St. John’s Lodge No. 11[176]
- John S. McCain, Sr. (1884β1945), US admiral, Carrollton Lodge No. 36[177]
- Henry Joy McCracken, Member of the Society of the United Irishmen[178]
- William McKinley, U.S. President. Hiram Lodge No. 21, Virginia. Demitted to become a charter member of Eagle Lodge No. 431, later renamed William McKinley Lodge, Ohio[35]
- Samuel McLaughlin, Founder and President of the McLaughlin Carriage Co. which later became General Motors of Canada. Cedar Lodge No. 270, Oshawa, Ontario. Grand Steward in 1945, 75 year member in the Craft. Royal Arch, Knight Templar, President of Oshawa Shrine Club.[2]
- John McLean, US Associate Justice (1829β1861)[31]
- Ned Ray McWherter, Governor of Tennessee (1987β1995).[179]
- SebastiΓ£o de Melo, Marquis of Pombal, 18th century Portuguese statesman[180][181]
- Juan Γlvarez MendizΓ‘bal, Spanish minister of the Treasury, Taller Sublime, CΓ‘diz[182]
- Sir Robert Menzies, 12th Prime Minister of Australia, Austral Temple Lodge No. 110, VC[183]
- Joe Mercer, England national football team manager 1974; initiated in Rivacre Lodge, No. 5805, Ellesmere Port, Cheshire in 1941[92]
- Kweisi Mfume, President NAACP, Mount Olive Lodge No. 25, Baltimore, Maryland (Prince Hall).[184]
- George Middleton, Third Master of African Lodge #459 (Prince Hall)[185]
- J. B. Milam (1884β1949), Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation, 32 degree Mason[186]
- Sherman Minton, US Associate Justice (1949β1956)[31]
- Ion Minulescu, Romanian poet, novelist, short story writer, journalist, literary critic and playwright.[11]
- John Molson, Founder of Molson Breweries. St. Paul’s Lodge, No. 374 UGLE, Montreal. Past Provincial Grand Master.[2]
- Bob Monkhouse, English comedian and television presenter, Chelsea Lodge No.3098.[187][188]
- James Monroe, U.S. President, Williamsburg Lodge No. 6, Williamsburg, Virginia.[189][190]
- Jacque-Γtienne Montgolfier, co-inventor of the Hot air balloon, 1745 – 1799. Initiated 1784, Loge des Neuf Soeurs, Paris[191]
- Joseph-Michel Montgolfier, co-inventor of the Hot air balloon, 1740 – 1810. Initiated 1806, Loge des Neuf Soeurs, Paris[191]
- William H. Moody, US Associate Justice (1906β1910)[31]
- Robert Moray, Scottish philosopher, Edinburgh [Lodge] 1641.[192]
- John Hunt Morgan, General for the Confederate States of America, Daviess Lodge #22, Lexington, Kentucky [193]
- Robert Morris, Poet Laureate of Freemasonry and founder of the Order of the Eastern Star[194]
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Composer. Zur WohltΓ€tigkeit (Charity) Lodge, Austria. Composed several pieces of Masonic ritual music, the first at age 11.[195]
- Leopold Mozart, Father of Amadeus, Zur WohltΓ€tigkeit Lodge, Austria.[196]
- Audie Murphy, the most decorated United States soldier of World War II,[27] North Hollywood Lodge No. 542, California[49]
- James Naismith, Canadian-born American sports educator who invented the game of basketball.[2]
- Ernesto Nathan, Italian politician and mayor of Rome, grand master of the Grande Oriente d’Italia[197]
- Thomas Nelson, Jr., Governor of Virginia, signer of the United States Declaration of Independence. Williamsburg Lodge No. 6, Williamsburg, Virginia[198]
- Samuel Nelson, US Associate Justice (1845β1872)[31]
- Kenneth Noye, British criminal, Hammersmith Lodge[199]
- Sam Nunn, US Senator.[27]
- Daniel O’Connell Irish political figure,Lodge No. 189, Dublin, in 1797[200]
- Bernardo O’Higgins South American revolutionary leader and first Chilean head of state as Captain General[201]
Shaquille “Shaq” O’Neal, Professional Basketball Champion and Entertainer, Widow’s Son Lodge No. 28, Boston, MA
- Camilo OsΓas, President of the Senate of the Philippines.[202]
- Sir William Dillon Otter, Canadian General. Initiated in Ionic Lodge, No. 25, Toronto in February 1869 [203]
- Manuel L. Quezon, First president of the Commonwealth of the Philippines under U.S. occupation rule in the early period of the 20th century. Raised March 17, 1908 at Sinukuan Lodge No. 272 (renamed Sinukuan Lodge No. 16). First Filipino Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of the Philippine Islands that was established in 1917.[229]
- Ion Heliade RΔdulescu Romanian academic, poet, essayist, memoirist, short story writer, newspaper editor and politician.[11]
- A. Philip Randolph, Joppa Lodge No. 55, NYC [230]
- Thomas Stamford Raffles, Raised July 5, 1813, Lodge De Vriendschap, Sourabaya[231]
- Nick Rahall (b. 1949), US representative from West Virginia[232]
- Sir Alf Ramsey, Manager of England World Cup winning football team, 1966; initiated into Waltham Abbey Lodge No. 2750 5 October 1953[92]
- Stanley F. Reed, US Associate Justice (1938β1957)[31]
- George Reid, 4th Prime Minister of Australia, Lodge Centennial No. 169, UGL of New South Wales[183]
- Ed Rendell, Governor of Pennsylvania [233]
- Theodor Reuss, German occultist and head of O.T.O., Pilger Loge #238 (UGLE) 1878, and excluded from Freemasonry in 1880.[234]
- Paul Revere, American Revolutionary hero, St. Andrew’s Lodge, Boston, Massachusetts; Grand Master of Massachusetts 1794-97.[35]
- Don Revie, England football team manager 1974-1977; initiated 1965 in Leodiensis Lodge, No 4029[92]
- Isabelo de los Reyes, Filipino politician and labor activist in.[235]
- Michael Richards, American Actor[236][237]
- Rafael del Riego, Spanish general and liberal politician[238]
- Charles Owen Leaver Riley, Anglican Archbishop, Grand Master of District Grand Lodge of Western Australia 1904-17, 1920-29.[239]
- Ringling Brothers (all seven of them), American circus promoters[240]
- Jose Rizal, Polymath and National Hero of the Philippines, Logia Solidaridad 53 Madrid, Spain; made honorary Worshipful Master of Nilad Lodge No. 144 in 1892[241]
- Will Rogers American political commontator and satirist, Claremore Lodge No. 53, OK[35]
- Roy Rogers, American actor, Hollywood Lodge No. 355, California[35][242]
- Theodore Roosevelt, U.S. President. Matinecock Lodge No. 806, Oyster Bay, New York[35]
- Franklin Delano Roosevelt, U.S. President. Holland Lodge No. 8, New York[35]
- FΓ©licien Rops Belgian artist[15]
- Edmundo Ros, Musician. Sprig of Acacia Lodge, Javea, Spain [243]
- Constantin Daniel Rosenthal Romanian painter and 1848 revolutionary.[11]
- C. A. Rosetti Romanian literary and political leader, participant in the Wallachian Revolution of 1848.[11]
- James Mayer Rothschild Financier, Initiated Oct. 24, 1802: Emulation Lodge No. 12, London[35]
- Archibald Hamilton Rowan, member of the Society of the United Irishmen[178]
- Manuel Roxas, was the first president of the independent Republic of the Philippines.[244]
- Alecu Russo Romanian writer, literary critic and publicist.[11]
- John Rutledge, Chief Justice of the United States (1795), Associate Justice (1789β1791)[31]
- William Byron Rumford, California legislator, Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge, Berkeley, California[245]
- Mihail Sadoveanu Romanian Novelist, short story writer, journalist and political figure, Grand Master from 1932.[11]
- PrΓ‘xedes Mateo Sagasta, (1825β1903) Prime Minister of Spain[246]
- Leverett Saltonstall, Governor of Massachusetts, United States Senator from Massachusetts. Member, Fraternity Lodge, Newton, Massachusetts.[247]
- Jose de San Martin, Argentine hero from the Spanish Revolution[248]
- Augusto CΓ©sar Sandino Central American revolutionary and founder of the Nicaraguan Sandinistas [249]
- Antonio LΓ³pez de Santa Anna, (Santa Ana) Mexican general and President[8]
- Artur Santos, Portuguese politician, Mayor of Ourem during the Fatima apparitions[250]
- Lope K. Santos, Tagalog language writer from the Philippines. first Woshipful Master of Magat Lodge No. 68 in Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya.[251]
- Denis Sassou Nguesso, general and the president of the Republic of the Congo.[45]
- Philipp Gotthard of Schaffgotsch, Prince-Bishop of Breslau[252]
- Friedrich Schiller, Rudolstadt Lodge, Berlin[35]
- Richard Seddon, Longest serving Prime Minister of New Zealand (1893β1906), Grand Master of New Zealand (1898β1900)[253][254]
- Peter Sellers, actor, comedian, star of The Goon Show and The Pink Panther movie series, Chelsea Lodge No 3098, UGLE[188]
- Sir Ernest Shackleton, UK explorer[255]
- Heath Shuler, United States Congressman for North Carolina, Oconee Lodge 427.[256][257][258]
- Jean Sibelius, Composer, Suomi Lodge No. 1, Helsinki, Finland, 1922.[259] Wrote several pieces of interest to Masons including “Praising Hymn” and the “Ode to Fraternity.”
- Sampson Simson, Lawyer and philanthropist[260]
- Richard Bernard “Red” Skelton, American comedian, Vincennes Lodge No. 1, Vincennes, Indiana[35][236]
- James Sloan, co-founder of the Orange Order[261]
- Joseph Smith, Jr., Founder of the Latter Day Saint movement, Nauvoo Lodge, Illinois[262]
- Joseph Smith, Sr., Mormon leader, Ontario Lodge No. 23 of Canandaigua, New York, 1818[263]
- Hyrum Smith, Mormon leader, Mount Moriah Lodge No. 112, Palmyra, New York[263]
- John Philip Sousa, Composer,[27] Hiram Lodge No. 10, Washington, D.C.[27]
- Sir Bernard Spilsbury, British forensic scientist.[90]
- Goswin de Stassart, Belgian statesman[15]
- Jock Stein, football manager of teams including Celtic F.C. and Scotland.[264]
- StanisΕaw Stempowski, Grand Master of the National Grand Lodge of Poland (1926β1928)[265]
- Potter Stewart, US Associate Justice (1958β1981)[31]
- Joseph Story, US Associate Justice (1811β1845)[31]
- Philipp von Stosch, occultist, antiquarian and English spy.[266]
- William Stukeley, English archaeologist and antiquarian. Lodge at Salutation Tavern, London.[267]
- Alexandru Sturdza, Russian publicist and diplomat of Romanian origin.[11]
- Dimitrie Sturdza, four-time Prime Minister of Romania, president of the Romanian Academy (1882β1884).[11]
- Sir Arthur Sullivan, Sullivan of ‘Gilbert and Sullivan‘,[117] and was also Grand Organist of the UGLE in 1887.[268]
- Noah H. Swayne, US Associate Justice (1862β1881)[31]
- Alphonso Taft, U.S. Attorney General and Secretary of War. Kilwinning Lodge No. 356, Ohio
- William Howard Taft, U.S. President. Made a “Mason at sight” inside Kilwinning Lodge No. 356, Ohio, February 18, 1909 Kilwinning Lodge No. 356, Ohio[31][35]
- Mehmed Talat, Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire. Initiated into Macedonia Risorta Lodge, Thessaloniki,1903. First Grand Master of Ottoman Grand Orient (1909β1910)[93][269]
- Waller Taylor, first United States Senator from Indiana, Vincennes Lodge No. 1, Vincennes, Indiana[270]
- Christian Tell, Romanian politician, 1848 revolutionary, Mayor of Bucharest.[11]
- Dave Thomas, Founder of Wendy’s, raised as a Master Mason in Sol. D. Bayless Lodge No. 359 Fort Wayne, Indiana. Received the 33rd Degree, N.M.J., on 16 November 1961, Fort Wayne, Indiana.[271]
- Strom Thurmond, US Senator from South Carolina and segregationist candidate for the United States presidency in 1948[272]
- John Tipton, American politician[273]
- Nicolae Titulescu, Romanian diplomat, government minister, President of the League of Nations.[11]
- Thomas Todd, US Associate Justice (1807β1826)[31]
- Robert Trimble, US Associate Justice (1826β1828). Union #16 in Paris, Kentucky[31]
- Harry S Truman, U.S. President, Belton Lodge No. 450, Belton, Missouri. Grand Master of Missouri, 1940-1941[274]
- Mark Twain, American author. Polar Star Lodge No. 79, A.F.& A.M., St. Louis, Missouri. (Suspended for non-payment of dues and later reinstated April 24, 1867. Demitted October 1867, but recorded as having visited Carson City Lodge U.D. in February and March 1868.)[275]
- Elijah Wadsworth, Major General of Ohio Militia War of 1812. Master of the Erie Lodge (later Western Star Lodge No. 21) in Ohio, 1813.[277]
- Arthur Edward Waite, writer on occult and esoteric matters, and Freemasonry[278]
- John Ward, 1st Viscount Dudley and Ward, British peer and politician. Grand Master, Grand Lodge of England[279]
- Harry M. Warner, Film producer and co-founder of Warner Bros.,[49] Mount Olive Lodge No. 506, California[citation needed]
- Jack L. Warner, Film producer and co-founder of Warner Bros.,[49] Mount Olive Lodge No. 506, California[citation needed]
- Samuel L. Warner, Film producer and co-founder of Warner Bros.,[49] Mount Olive Lodge No. 506, California[citation needed]
- Sir Charles Warren, English archaeologist. Surveyor of Herod’s Temple. Royal Lodge of Friendship No. 278, Gibraltar.[280]
- Earl Warren, Chief Justice of the United States (1953β1969), Grand Master of California 1935 to 1936[31]
- Joseph Warren, American physician and major general during the American Revolutionary War, joined the Lodge of Saint Andrew in Boston, later serving as Grand Master of Masons in Massachusetts.[281]
- George Washington General, Politician, and First President of the United States. Initiated in Fredericksburg VA, Past Master of Alexandria Lodge No. 22, Virginia.[282]
- John Wayne, American actor, Marion McDaniel Lodge No. 56, Arizona[283]
- Thomas Smith Webb, New England Lodge No. 4, Worthington, Ohio, author of Freemasonβs Monitor or Illustrations of Masonry, sometimes called the “Founding Father of the York or American Rite” for his efforts to promote that masonic body.[284][285]
- Adam Weishaupt, founder of the Illuminati[147]
- Philip Wharton, 1st Duke of Wharton, English politician, atheist and member of the Hellfire club [286]
- Oscar Wilde, Irish playwright, novelist, and poet, Apollo University Lodge No. 357, Oxford (UGLE)[287]
- John Wilkes, English politician and journalist [288]
- William IV, King of Great Britain, UGLE[90]
- James Wilson (Orangeman), co-founder of the Orange Order[261]
- Frederick Thomas Wimble, Australian politician and founding editor of the Cairns Post.[289]
- Jeff Winter, English football referee[290]
- Levi Woodbury, US Associate Justice (1845β1851)[31]
- William B. Woods, US Associate Justice (1881β1887)[31]
- Steve Wozniak Co-founder Apple Computers, Charity Lodge No. 362, Campbell, California[35]
- Christopher Wren, English architect, Master of Lodge Original, No. 1, now the Lodge of Antiquity No. 2,[291] “adopted” May 18, 1691[292]
- William Wyler, Film director and producer, Loyalty Lodge No. 529, California[49]
- Ed Wynn,[49] Lodge No. 9, Pennsylvania[citation needed]
- John Yarker – English occultist – 1Β° Lodge of Integrity No. 189 (later 163) Manchester, October 25, 1854, affiliated with Fidelity Lodge No. 623 April 27, 1855 – Expelled from the Ancient and Accepted Rite and demitted (from all regular Freemasonry), 1862[293]
- Duiliu Zamfirescu Romanian novelist, poet, short story writer, lawyer, nationalist politician, journalist, diplomat and memoirist.[11]
- Darryl F. Zanuck, Mt. Olive Lodge No. 506, California[49]
- Adolph Zukor, Film producer, Centennial Lodge No. 763, New York[49]
- ^ “Filipino Famous Mason – Jose Abad Santos”. Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Philippines. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l “Famous Canadian Freemasons”. Retrieved 2008-01-04.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t Edward L. King. “Famous Masons A-L”. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
- ^ “Famous Filipino Mason – Nicanor Abelardo”. Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Philippines. 1934-03-21. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
- ^ a b John Hamill and Robert Gilert (Eds.), Freemasonry, A Celebration Of The Craft p. 226 (J.G. Press, 1998)
- ^ a b c d e f g h i “Gettysburg”. Retrieved 2010-01-12.Β [dead link]
- ^ “Famous Filipino Mason – Bishop G. Aglipay”. Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Philippines. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
- ^ a b Pages 202-203 The Freemasons: A History of the World’s Most Powerful Secret Society, by Jasper Ridley
- ^ a b c “Famous Freemasons Masonic Presidents”. Archived from the original on August 2, 2008. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
- ^ “Mrs. Elizabeth Aldworth”. Biography/Aldworth. Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon A.F. & A.M.. 2002-02-25. Retrieved 2007-04-25. “upon secretly observing the first two degrees of a lodge at labour in her father’s home, she was discovered and, after discussion, initiated in the Entered Apprentice and Fellowcraft Degree. A champion of Freemasonry”
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah Stoica, Stan (coordinator). DicΕ£ionar de Istorie a RomΓ’niei, p. 153-5. Bucharest: Editura Merona, 2007.
- ^ “Facts About Masonry”. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
- ^ “Africa’s Freemasons: A strange inheritance”. Le Monde diplomatique (English Edition). September 1997. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
- ^ “Known Freemasons”. Masonic Philatelic Club. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Famous Belgian freemasons, Grand Orient of Belgium
- ^ “Filipino Famous Mason – Galicano Apacible”. Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Philippines. 1949-03-02. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
- ^ Our Ministers – Rabbi Dr Raymond Apple AO RFD, Great Synagogue (Sydney), accessed 5 April 2010
- ^ “Atlas Pythagoras Lodge website”. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
- ^ Denslow, William R.; Truman, Harry S. (2004). 10,000 Famous Freemasons from A to J. Kessenger Publishing LLC. ISBN 1417975792.,000+famous+freemasons#v=onepage&q&f=false. Retrieved 2010-08-06.
- ^ “” (PDF). Retrieved 2010-01-12.
- ^ a b Grand Lodge of British Columbia & Yukon’s “La Loge des Neufs Soeurs” page
- ^ Rose, Gerry (November 29, 1993). “The Venetian Takeover of England and Its Creation of Freemasonry”. The American Almanac. [Conference Address by Gerald Rose, Schiller Institute Conference, September, 1993 Lay summary]Β βΒ The New Federalist (September 5, 1993).
- ^ a b c Bicentenial Commemorative Volume of Holland Lodge No. 8, Published by the Lodge, New York, 1988
- ^ Hamill, John and , Gilbert, R. A., Freemasonry: A Celebration of the Craftβ, Page 226. Paul & Company, 1992, ISBN 0-9516355-2-2
- ^ “Freemasonry in Turkey – Address given to Palestine Lodge 189 by Kaya Pasakay, Former Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Turkey”. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
- ^ “List of famous Masons compiled by Abbey Lodge, Abingdon, UK”. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o “AASR hall of fame”. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
- ^ “Johann Christian Bach”. Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon. 2001-03-19. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
- ^ About us page from Freemasonry Today
- ^ Bakunin and the Italians, T. R.Ravindranathan,, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1988
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj Paul M. Bessel’s Supreme Court page
- ^ NeamΕ£u, Gelu. A fost sau nu Simion BΔrnuΕ£iu un francmason (Simion BΔrnuΕ£iu franc-maΓ§on). In: Inorogul. Caiete masonice. BucureΕti, 2001, p.121-146.
- ^ 1863-1923[dead link], Brief History of the Spanish Masonry
- ^ “FrΓ©dΓ©ric Auguste Bartholdi”. Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon. 1904-10-04. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae Grand Lodge of British Columbia & Yukon’s “A few famous freemasons” page
- ^ Grand Lodge of Delaware website
- ^ “Exsequi Lodge History: Famous Freemasons”. Archived from the original on 2007-10-30. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
- ^ “Irving Berlin”. Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
- ^ Berlusconi: The power of personality, BBC, 14 May 2001
- ^ DΓ‘vila del Valle. Oscar G., Presencia del ideario masΓ³nico en el proyecto revolucionario antillano de RamΓ³n Emeterio Betances, available at the Grande Loja CarbonΓ‘ria do Brasil’s website, [1]
- ^ “Bischof, Francis Erich (Frank) (1904 – 1979), Australian Dictionary of Biography“.
- ^ “Simon Bolivar”. Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon. 2002-01-28. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
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- ^ “Andres Bonifacio Lodge No. 199”. 1973-10-26. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
- ^ a b c d Wauthier, Claude. Africa’s Freemasons – A strange inheritance, Le Monde Diplomatique, September 1997. Retrieved 15 August 2008.
- ^ “Borden at GL of BC”.
- ^ a b John Hamill and Robert Gilert (Eds.), Freemasonry, A Celebration Of The Craft p. 227 (J.G. Press, 1998)
- ^ John Hamill and Robert Gilert (Eds.), Freemasonry, A Celebration Of The Craft p. 228 (J.G. Press, 1998)
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r Royal Arch Mason Magazine, Spring, 1981, p. 271
- ^ “Welcome to the George Washington National Masonic Memorial”. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
- ^ The Cause of Humanityβ: Charles Bradlaugh and Freemasonry (PDF), The Centre for Research into Freemasonry, Sheffield University
- ^ “Famous Australian Freemasons”. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
- ^ “Masonic Care Community of New York”. Retrieved 2010-08-06.
- ^ Inventory of the Archives of the Secretary, Lodge De Goede Hoop, Cape Town, 1772-1963 (inventory 5/4/6) in the TANAP Collection.
- ^ “In the Index of the Regius Manuscript: Section VII, Anglo-Saxon Masonry and the Constitution”]
- ^ Denslow, William R.; Truman, Harry S. (2004). 10,000 Famous Freemasons from A to J. Kessenger Publishing LLC. ISBN 1417975792.,000+famous+freemasons#v=onepage&q&f=false. Retrieved 2010-08-06.
- ^ AASR-SJ’s “Hall of Honor” page
- ^ *Reid, Robie L. Historical Notes and Biographical Sketches 1848 – 1935 “Bio of Robert Burnaby” at Grand Lodge BC & Yukon website
- ^ “Robert Burns, Auld Lang Syne”. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
- ^ Denslow, William R.; Truman, Harry S. (2004). 10,000 Famous Freemasons from A to J. Kessenger Publishing LLC. ISBN 1417975792.,000+famous+freemasons#v=onepage&q&f=false. Retrieved 2010-08-06.
- ^ “”. Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon. 2001-05-13. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
- ^ Denslow, William R. 10,000 Famous Freemasons p. 171 (2004 Kessinger Publishing)ISBN 1-4179-7578-4
- ^ “Famous Filipino Mason – Manuel Camus”. Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Philippines. 1949-12-22. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
- ^ Marc David Baer, The DΓΆnme: Jewish converts, Muslim revolutionaries, and secular Turks, p. 94 full text
- ^ Carrera, JosΓ© Miguel, Encyclopedia Britannica, Guide to Hispanic Heritage
- ^ a b “Poinsett – A revolutionary diplomat”. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
- ^ “Paul Foster Case”. Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
- ^
- ^ Conover, Jefferson S. (1896). Freemasonry in Michigan. Coldwater, Michigan: The Conover Engraving and Printing Company. pp.Β 113β122.
- ^ a b c d e f John Hamill and Robert Gilert (Eds.), Freemasonry, A Celebration Of The Craft p. 229 (J.G. Press, 1998)
- ^ Plummer, Charles W.. “General and Brother Joshua L. Chamberlain”. Retrieved 2007-07-16.
- ^ “Letters”. The Churchill Society. Retrieved 2007-07-16.
- ^ a b “Pa Freemason May 03 – Treasures of the Temple”. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
- ^ Bicentennial Commemorative Volume of Holland Lodge No. 8, Published by the Lodge, New York, 1988
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j John Hamill and Robert Gilert (Eds.), Freemasonry, A Celebration Of The Craft p. 230 (J.G. Press, 1998)
- ^ Cole, Ernest E., at “The Political Graveyard,”
- ^ Denslow, William R.; Truman, Harry S. (2004). 10,000 Famous Freemasons from A to J. Kessenger Publishing LLC. ISBN 1417975792.,000+famous+freemasons#v=onepage&q&f=false. Retrieved 2010-08-06.
- ^ Masonic references in the works of Charles Williams Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon 2007
- ^ Burke, Peter The New Cambridge Modern History p. 304 (1979 Cambridge University)
- ^ Meades, Jonathan (2005-10-09). “Bigots united”. London:,,1587972,00.html. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
- ^ UGLE Accessed 13 Jun 07
- ^ “Freemasonry for Dummies Blogspot”. Retrieved 19 May 2010.
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- ^ Rob Tillett, Digital Online Technology Pty Ltd (2005-04-07). “South Australian Freemasonry page”. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
- ^ “Francesco Crispi”. Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
- ^ Crispi to be Expelled by Freemasons, New York Times, October 10, 1894, Page 2
- ^ Aleister Crowley: freemason!, Martin Starr, Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon
- ^ Denslow, William R.; Truman, Harry S. (2004). 10,000 Famous Freemasons from A to J. Kessenger Publishing LLC. ISBN 1417975792.,000+famous+freemasons#v=onepage&q&f=false. Retrieved 2010-08-06.
- ^ “Our “Black Sheep””. 2006-11-17. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
- ^ a b c d e f g h UGLE’s “Famous” page
- ^ “Historical Marker placed by Grand Lodge of Georgia”. Archived from the original on April 3, 2008. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
- ^ a b c d e “The Beautiful Game” by Patrick Kidd and Matthew Scanlan, published in “Freemasonry Today,” Issue 53, Summer 2010
- ^ a b “The Hystory Of Freemasonry In Turkey”. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
- ^ “ADDRESS TO THE 2002 CALIFORNIA MASONIC SYMPOSIUM”. Archived from the original on September 27, 2007. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
- ^ Time Magazine, Letters, Monday, Aug. 21, 1939
- ^ “Blaise Diagne, dΓ©putΓ©”. Archived from the original on 2007-06-17. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
- ^ Referenced at the US National Masonic Memorial, Alexandira, Virginia.
- ^ Freemasonry Today Issue 8, Spring 1999
- ^ [2] Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon
- ^ “James H. Douglas, Governor of Vermont”. Vermont Masonry in Action. Grand Lodge of Vermont. Archived from the original on 2007-06-22. Retrieved 2007-07-16.
- ^ a b c d e f g h John Hamill and Robert Gilert (Eds.), Freemasonry, A Celebration Of The Craft p. 231 (J.G. Press, 1998)
- ^ Freemasonry and the Labour Party in London: Some Approaches, Andrew Prescott, 2002
- ^ a b “A few famous freemasons”. Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
- ^ Bio of John Elway, hosted on, the website of the Grand Encampment of the Knights Templar, York Rite
- ^ [3]
- ^ [4][5]
- ^ a b Entry Giuseppe Mazzini in Volume III K – P, 10,000 FAMOUS FREEMASONS, By WILLIAM R. DENSLOW], 1957, Macoy Publishing & Masonic Supply Co., Inc.
- ^ a b Albert G. Mackey, ed (October 1872 to September 1873). “Fichte as a Freemason”. Mackey’s National Freemason: 430.
- ^ The Memoirs of Charles G. Finney, The Complete Restored Text, Garth Rosell and Richard Dupuis, eds, Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, MI (1989). Page 629.
- ^ Lawrence Kestenbaum. “Freemasons, politicians, New York, E-F”. The Political Graveyard. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
- ^ Morris, Robert (Summer 2000). “Alexander Fleming, Mason And Discoverer of Penicillin”. The Scottish Rite Journal. Scottish Rite S.J. USA. Retrieved 2007-07-16.
- ^ Steven Defoe’s website
- ^ “Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania’s presidents pages”. 1937-10-30. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
- ^ Garibaldi β the mason Translated from Giuseppe Garibaldi Massone by the Grand Orient of Italy
- ^ 5. What was the P2 Lodge?, Anti-masonry Frequently Asked Questions, Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon
- ^ a b Beresiner, Yasha. “Musical Masons”. MQ Magazine, Issue 8 (January 2004). Retrieved 18 July 2007.
- ^ “A Few Famous Freemasons”. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
- ^ Denslow, William R.; Truman, Harry S. (2004). 10,000 Famous Freemasons from A to J. Kessenger Publishing LLC. ISBN 1417975792.,000+famous+freemasons#v=onepage&q&f=false. Retrieved 2010-08-06.
- ^ “Johann Wolfgang von Goethe”. Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon. 2001-03-19. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
- ^ Sources disagree as to whether he was [6] or wasn’t: [7] a member
- ^ “Americas Astronauts FDCs”. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
- ^ Ewans, Martin (2002). Afghanistan. Harper Perennial. p.Β 114. ISBN 0060505087.
- ^ Denslow, William R. (1958). 10,000 Famous Freemasons, vol. ii. [Trenton, Missouri.Β : Missouri Lodge of Research / Educational Bureau, Royal Arch Mason Magazine]. p.Β 165.
- ^ Cox, Joseph (2002). Great Black Men of Masonry. iUniverse. p.Β 176. ISBN 0595227295.
- ^ “What Are the Facts About National Treasure? –”.<!. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
- ^ Roll Card filed at NC Grand Lodge
- ^ “A long-lost bell goes home”. News and Observer. 2008-11-19. Retrieved 2010-06-03.
- ^ “1923 Agromeck-Square and Compass”. NCSU. 1923. Retrieved 2010-06-03.
- ^ List of signers of the Declaration of Independence who were Masons on the Grand Lodge of BC&Y website
- ^ June 1, 2010
- ^ Denslow, William R.; Truman, Harry S. (2004). 10,000 Famous Freemasons from A to J. Kessenger Publishing LLC. ISBN 1417975792.,000+famous+freemasons#v=onepage&q&f=false. Retrieved 2010-08-06.
- ^
- ^ “Masonic Magicians”. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
- ^ Freemasonry in Bristol, Powell & Littlejohn, privately published.
- ^ See also the Freemasons’ Review, June 1844 edition – Howley’s masonry was a well known contemporary fact.
- ^ See also the Freemasons’ Quarterly Review, first quarter, 1835 – a survey of the Archbishop’s masonic career.
- ^ Masonic Province of South Wales: Eastern Division website “Worthy Mason of yesteryear: Edward John Hutchins Provincial Grand Master of South Wales (1848-56)” by Peter M Davies
- ^ Amy Lotven (17 March 2005). “Masons Seek New Members As Elder Brothers Pass On”. Queens Chronicle Newspaper. Retrieved 20 May 2010.
- ^ [8] Prescott, Andrew βBrother Irving: Sir Henry Irving and Freemasonryβ The Irving Society website
- ^ Famous British Freemasons, United Grand Lodge of England
- ^ “sources “The Phylaxis Society Public Affairs Office and Masonic Information Center””. Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon. 2003-05-16. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
- ^ McElligot, Willam; R Theron Dunn, GL of CA. “A Few Good Men” (PDF). Lodge Room International Magazine 2 (1): 7.
- ^
- ^ R.W.Bro. Vic Lewis. “Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia A.F. & A.M”. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
- ^ “Rudyard Kipling”. Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
- ^ a b “A Bavarian Illuminati primer”. Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
- ^ [9] Mark E. Koltko-Rivera, 32Β° (2007, JulyβAugust) βGrateful, stunned, inspired,β The Scottish Rite Journal, vol. 115, no. 4, pp. 18-19 (link is to on-line edition); his Blue Lodge status is mentioned in the author note.
- ^ Lafayette page at GL BC&Y
- ^ [10] Frank S. Land entry in 10,000 Famous Freemasons
- ^ Cooper, A. A. 1986. The Freemasons of South Africa. p178. Cape Town: Human & Rousseau
- ^ Grand Lodge of South Africa[dead link]
- ^ “Famous Filipino Mason – Jose Laurel”. Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Philippines. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
- ^ Nickerson, Sereno Dwight; Titus, Charles H. (1875). The New England Freemason. Frank Wood. ISBN 1157390323. Retrieved 2010-08-04.
- ^ Denslow, William R; Truman, Harry S (2004-09). 10,000 Famous Freemasons from K to Z, William R. Denslow and Harry S. Truman, Kessinger Publishing’s Rare Reprints, 2004 ISBN 978-1-4179-7579-2. ISBN 9781417975792. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
- ^ Stillson, Henry Leonard; Hughan, William James (1891). History of the Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons. The Fraternity Publishing Company. ISBN 9780766126619. Retrieved 2010-08-04.
- ^ Denslow, William R.; Truman, Harry S. (2004). 10,000 Famous Freemasons from K to Z. Kessenger Publishing LLC. ISBN 1417975792.,000+famous+masons#v=onepage&q&f=false. Retrieved 2010-08-06.
- ^ Denslow, William R.; Truman, Harry S. (2004). 10,000 Famous Freemasons from K to Z. Kessenger Publishing LLC. ISBN 1417975792.,000+famous+freemasons#v=onepage&q&f=false. Retrieved 2010-08-06.
- ^ Denslow, William R.; Truman, Harry S. (2004). 10,000 Famous Freemasons from K to Z. Kessenger Publishing LLC. ISBN 1417975792.,000+famous+freemasons#v=onepage&q&f=false. Retrieved 2010-08-06.
- ^ Lawrence Kestenbaum. “Freemasons in Rhode Island”. The Political Graveyard. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
- ^ Denslow, William R.; Truman, Harry S. (2004). 10,000 Famous Freemasons from K to Z. Kessenger Publishing LLC. ISBN 1417975792.,000+famous+freemasons#v=onepage&q&f=false. Retrieved 2010-08-06.
- ^ “Scottish Rite Journal”. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
- ^ Rouget de Lisle, Grand Lodge of British Columbia
- ^ “Harold LLoyd” “In 1949, Haroldβs face graced the cover of TIME Magazine as the Imperial Potentate of the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, their highest-ranking position. He devoted an entire year to visiting 130 temples across the country giving speeches for over 700,000 Shriners. The last twenty years of his life he worked tirelessly for the twenty-two Shriner Hospitals for Children and in the 1960βs, he was named President and Chairman of the Board.
- ^ “Famous Filipino Mason – Graciano Lopez Jaena”. Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Philippines. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
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- ^ Voice of Freemasonry, Volume 24, Number 2, 2007, Pg 9[dead link] DC Lodge newsletter
- ^ 10,000 Famous Freemasons from K to Z Part Two By William R. Denslow, Contributor Harry S. Truman (available via google book search)
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- ^ Ernesto Nathan, 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica
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- ^ John Hamill and Robert Gilert (Eds.), Freemasonry, A Celebration Of The Craft (J.G. Press, 1998), p. 239
- ^ O’Higgins, Bernardo, Encyclopedia Britannica, Guide to Hispanic Heritage
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- ^ GL of BC&Y
All of the above information was copied directly from wikipedia.