Grand Lodge Legislation, 2015

Grand Lodge Legislation, 2015 by Mike Miller, Junior Warden

Several of our Brothers recently made the trip to the Grand Lodge Annual Communication in San Francisco. The sessions are open to all Master Masons and all members are encouraged to attend. An important part of this meeting is the election of the Grand Lodge Officers and voting on a variety of proposed resolutions. Each lodge is allocated four votes, the Worshipful Master, Senior and Junior Wardens and one Past Master. Additional votes are also given to past and present Grand Lodge officers.

The 2015 legislation consisted of eleven Grand Master’s decisions and recommendations, five carry-over resolutions from 2014 and twelve new resolutions proposed by the membership. The new resolutions and recommendations require a yes vote of a 5/6ths majority to pass and will fail with a vote of less than 50%. Measures that neither pass nor fail will carry-over for reconsideration in 2016. Carry-over resolutions must pass in the next year with at least a 2/3rds majority.

Each proposal is read during the meeting, along with the recommendations of the appropriate Grand Lodge committees. Time is then allowed for speakers pro and con to be heard before balloting.

Of the Grand Master Decisions and Recommendations presented this year, eight passed and three were carried over. Three of the 2014 carry-overs passed this year and two failed. Three of the 2015 Resolutions passed, four failed and four were carried over for consideration next year.

Legislation that was passed became effective after the closing ceremonies of the Annual Communication.

Details of this legislation are posted on the Grand Lodge Website under Member Center / Forms / 166th Annual Communication. Every member should to review the resolutions and final voting results.

Mike Miller,
Junior Warden
#MikeMiller #JuniorWarden

Grand Lodge, an Exceptional Experience

August 2015 Trestleboard Cover

Greetings, Brethren!

Soon, the Grand Lodge of California will hold its 166th Annual Communication. It will take place in San Francisco during the weekend of October 9-11. Please join us for this special celebration at the California Masonic Memorial Temple in that great city. If you are a Master Mason and haven’t attended a Grand Lodge session, I encourage you to make the trip. This is your opportunity to witness the decision making process of the resolutions that will govern us as Freemasons in California. You will have the opportunity to meet Masons from all over the state. I have attended all but one since I have been a Master Mason and it has given me the opportunity to have great conversations with my peers and discuss ways to improve our Lodge experience. The event takes place over three days and there are Grand Lodge sessions on Friday and Saturday, the Grand Master’s Banquet on Saturday evening, and the installations of officers on Sunday afternoon. The banquet and installation will be open to non-masons. Tickets to the banquet can be purchased at

A great way to get an overview of the 2015 resolutions, whether or not you attend Grand Lodge, would be to join me at the next Masonic Service Bureau meeting on September 27 at the Pasadena Scottish Rite Temple, 150 N. Madison Avenue in Pasadena, where the Most Worshipful R. Stephen Doan will give us a review of the resolutions for consideration at this year’s Communication. There will be donuts and coffee at 9:15 AM and the meeting will start at 10:00 AM. I look forward to seeing you there.

Adam Wolf, Master