From The West – The York Rite Grand Sessions

Trestleboard: From The West – The York Rite Grand Sessions

I recently attended the Grand York Rite Sessions held this year in Bakersfield. This is the annual meeting of the York Rite bodies of freemasonry in California at which representatives from each chapter, council and commandery (the names after which the three bodies, the Royal Arch, the Cryptic Masons, and the Knights Templar are styled) gather to elect officers and consider legislation. Reports are made on finances, membership levels, and charitable work. Service awards are given and higher degrees are conferred. Each organization has one day designated for their meetings and activities.
This year the Allied Masonic Degrees (AMD) met on Saturday and the commandery drill teams competed on Sunday. Continue reading “From The West – The York Rite Grand Sessions”

From The South – Meet the Masters

Trestleboard: From The South – Meet the Masters

The lodge’s membership program is thriving in comparison with similar programs of most lodges. The growth, to a great extent, has to do with our website and “Meet the Master’s” event. Meet the Master’s is a program that was started informally by Worshipful Brothers Clarence Kussner and Merrick Hamer. Clarence was in charge of renting our building when not in use by the lodge. Merrick began the creation of our extensive library. Often, while they were thus engaged, passersby would wander into the building to inquire about our unique edifice and its purpose. The creation of Meet the Master’s became a place where potential prospects were given an opportunity to find out more about freemasonry and what we do as Masons. The title, “Meet the Masters,” grew out of a desire by Worshipful David Francis Philips, when he served as Master of the lodge, to encourage brethren, already members of the lodge, to engage with the lodge’s leaders. Since this often involved not only the “Master,” but other leaders as well, Worshipful Jonathan Dilley, finally gave the event it present appellation. This prosperous event has brought countless members in our craft and continues to spark interest in worthy potential prospects. This event also allows us to bring a diverse group in applicants.

Benjamin Villanueva,
Junior Warden

From The Esotherica Group – The Butterfly

Trestleboard: From The Esotherica Group – the Butterfly

Beloved Brethren: Many are they who have asked me why a butterfly is typically appended to my bow tie apparel, which daily I will don. The brief answer (which is fitting in casual conversation, in which situation the question usually occurs) includes such concepts as transcendence, metamorphosis, resurrection, heightened awareness, achievement, aesthetic expression, or simply change. Notwithstanding the validity of any of these terms (and conceivably others), let a more extended explanation be offered presently, taken from my thoughts as jotted down more than two years ago:
“The Butterfly Know ye beloved that there is a creature that has emerged out of darkness, even the darkness of the wrapping that has enshrouded it. Like unto its emergence and its prior residence, we human-beings, ere our birth, existed for a time within a womb, dark and separate from the world of light, dumb and unawares, yet conscious of a beating heart above, sending us signals of life and life forces! Nature, with its incessant cycles, like the heart, speaks to imminent emergence and the recurring of new beginnings. As the shell will open for the kernel, so the monarch hears the voice of God within nature, calling out “Come forth!” and unravels the sheath that had hitherto enclosed it. Bright and glorious is the entrance! In such a creature we witness metamorphoses, assuring us that change is possible for us all and that it is truly engraved upon our destiny; change to become better, even better than ourselves, if our eyes are upward turned. We see in it also transcendence, the ability to see the whole of life and all that is in it. This heightened awareness comes to us when we breathe into our lungs such essence as descends from the realms of our highest aspirations, and when we receive inspirations gifted by God and his kindred spirits and by our fellow creatures after they have been touched by His glory. Nothing is impossible or impassable by knowledge of this creature. Though its glory is shortly lived, our memories retain the beauty. Yeah, though we become blind with age, the recollection of it will not perish. Even when we become reinterred, it beauty will enshroud us as we prepare to nurture the roots of earth for a more glorious rising. No matter what have been the shadows of our past, we have but the gift of days remaining to serve our fellow human beings, to cherish God and all of nature. Finally, my beloved, let this revered creature remind us all that no one truly dies whose memory still lives in the hearts of those that loved him.”

Merrick Rees Hamer PM