Grand Lodge Legislation, 2015

Grand Lodge Legislation, 2015 by Mike Miller, Junior Warden

Several of our Brothers recently made the trip to the Grand Lodge Annual Communication in San Francisco. The sessions are open to all Master Masons and all members are encouraged to attend. An important part of this meeting is the election of the Grand Lodge Officers and voting on a variety of proposed resolutions. Each lodge is allocated four votes, the Worshipful Master, Senior and Junior Wardens and one Past Master. Additional votes are also given to past and present Grand Lodge officers.

The 2015 legislation consisted of eleven Grand Master’s decisions and recommendations, five carry-over resolutions from 2014 and twelve new resolutions proposed by the membership. The new resolutions and recommendations require a yes vote of a 5/6ths majority to pass and will fail with a vote of less than 50%. Measures that neither pass nor fail will carry-over for reconsideration in 2016. Carry-over resolutions must pass in the next year with at least a 2/3rds majority.

Each proposal is read during the meeting, along with the recommendations of the appropriate Grand Lodge committees. Time is then allowed for speakers pro and con to be heard before balloting.

Of the Grand Master Decisions and Recommendations presented this year, eight passed and three were carried over. Three of the 2014 carry-overs passed this year and two failed. Three of the 2015 Resolutions passed, four failed and four were carried over for consideration next year.

Legislation that was passed became effective after the closing ceremonies of the Annual Communication.

Details of this legislation are posted on the Grand Lodge Website under Member Center / Forms / 166th Annual Communication. Every member should to review the resolutions and final voting results.

Mike Miller,
Junior Warden
#MikeMiller #JuniorWarden

Warden’s Lament

Warden’s Lament by Mike Miller, Junior Warden #ccmasons

One of my brothers recently sent me this old bit of humor which I will now share with you. Masonic tradition is filled stories that teach a lesson and this one is no exception. We should pray that our years in Masonry are as blessed as below but on earth as well as the next world.

Bob and Bill were brother Masons and great friends for most of their lives. Each had agreed that when one of them passed on to that Grand Lodge above, he would attempt to make contact with the other and tell him all about what heaven was like. As so happened, Bill went to heaven, first. One night Bob was just drifting off to sleep when he heard Bill’s voice calling to him.

“Is that you, Bill?”

Yes, Bob. I am honoring our agreement.”

“Oh, MY,…. what’s it like?” Bob asked with some anticipation.

“It’s like nothing you could ever imagine. The lodge here is fantastic,… better than any lodge we ever saw on Earth. The meetings are always well attended, the ritual is letter perfect, the friendship nights always have tons of new people just itching to join, and the spirit of fellowship blankets the entire place.”

Bob’s eyes teared up. “Oh, my, it’s just like we’d hoped.  I’m so happy for you. But I have to ask,… that sounds really great, but you didn’t really seem all that excited. What’s wrong?”

“Well, I have some good news and some bad. The good news is that we’re raising a fellow to the third degree next Wednesday.”

“That’s fantastic. What’s the bad news?”

“Your name is on the list to be the Senior Warden.”

Mike Miller
Junior Warden