The Stated Meeting

March Trestleboard - Eight Steps to Excellence

From The South
“The Stated Meeting”

Recently, I had an interesting discussion with one of our visiting brothers from an eastern state about the necessity and timing of meetings. He explained that his lodge did not hold meetings in certain months and that there was no requirement to do so. Lodges in his state did not specifically have a “stated meeting” and typically combined business and degree conferrals at the same gathering. Continue reading “The Stated Meeting”

Changing of the Guard

Changing of the Guard

My Brothers, I am pleased to introduce our new Webmaster and Trestleboard Designer, Brother Alfonso Mujica! Alfonso who, like myself, is a highly capable graphic designer and web guru. I have taken the extra time and care needed for vetting my replacement. It is my expectation that his contribution will help our lodge maintain the growth it has seen in recent years. Continue reading “Changing of the Guard”

The Traditional Observance Lodge

March Trestleboard - Eight Steps to Excellence

The Traditional Observance Lodge

We will not be conferring degrees on March 18th in lieu of a very special presentation by the Most Worshipful John Cooper, Past Grand Master, who will speak to us about traditional observance lodges and how they differ from the lodges with which most contemporary masons are familiar.  I have attached a great article written by Andrew Hammer, Past Master of Alexandria-Washington Lodge, No. 22, giving an excellent overview of the ideology of the traditional observance movement. Continue reading “The Traditional Observance Lodge”