Costume Drama by Andrew Merenbach #ccmasons
Dear Brethren,
The days have begun their yearly diet, shedding copious quantities of sunshine—and rain. Hallowe’en approaches, accompanied by sugar highs, sugar lows, and human diets.
Much can be made of Hallowe’en. Is it simply a commercialized celebration of our nation’s dedication to corn syrup solids? An opportunity for children (and grownups, at… separate parties) to costume themselves as Superman, Maleficent, or a very naughty Richard Nixon? Or perhaps no more than a caricature of a much more profound Druidic celebration? Whatever one’s stance, no harm in taking one of these small Milky Ways. None at all! Maybe a second, too—it’s still healthier than a full-size one, right? Perhaps a third, in case I get hungry later…
Hallowe’en affords us the opportunity to don our most outlandish garb, whether classy, tacky, sophisticated, or downright offensive: you name it, someone’s done it. This is a double-edged sword. Statements or photographs taken out of context can haunt someone for years—just ask a politician or actor. At the same time, without knowing the mistakes of the past—including who said or did or wore what, and when—we might simply repeat them.
Therein lies the problem. Reasonable people routinely disagree over data retention—just look at the arguments for and against the “right to be forgotten” by Google in the European Union. As Freemasons, we understand the benefit of the doubt and the power of forgiveness. Outside our circles it’s a different story. As the mantra goes, “The Internet is forever,” especially in this hyper-connected age of camera-phones, where the court of public opinion reigns supreme. Have a good time and choose your costume judiciously!
By the way, does anyone know how to erase an embarrassing video from people’s memories? I’m asking for, uh, a friend.
Sincerely and fraternally,
Brother Andrew Merenbach