Poetry by Dr. Rob Morris

In an effort to provide stimulating content to the Brethren, rather than the transcribed ramblings of your pensive Senior Warden’s stream of consciousness, I have unearthed some poetic Masonic gems from the vast quarry known as google. Enjoy, my Brethren!

By Bro. Rob Morris

And can we know the mind of GOD,
A window to the will Supreme?
And is His purpose all exposed
To human eye, so faint and dim?
Look! open upward broadly lies
The WORD OF God–the unerring LAW,
Threatening and promising by turns,
As Masons yield to fear or love,
Oh, be it ours to walk therein
And at the end have sure reward!

By Bro. Rob Morris

Brother, harken, while I tell you
What we Masons pledged to do,
When, prepared at yonder altar,
We assumed the Mason’s vow!
Foot and knee, breast, hand and cheek–
Harken while I make them speak!

Foot to foot, on mercy’s errand,
When we hear a brother’s cry,
Hungry, thirsty, barefoot, naked,
With God’s mercy let us fly.
This of all our thoughts the chief,
How to give him quick relief.

Knee to knee, in earnest praying,
None but God to hear or heed
All our woes and sins confessing,
Let us for each other plead;
By the spirit of our call,
Let us pray for brothers all.

Breast to breast, in sacred casket,
At life’s center let us seal
Every truth to us entrusted,
Nor one holy thing reveal!
What a Mason vows to shield,
Let him die, but never yield.
Hand to back, a brother’s falling,
Look, his burdens are too great
Stretch the generous hand and hold him
Up before it is too late.
The right arm’s a friendly prop,
Made to hold a brother up,
Cheek to cheek, in timely whisper
When the tempter strives to win,
Urge the brother’s bounden duty,
Show him the approaching sin,
Point to him the deadly snare,
Save him with a brother’s care.
Brother, let us often ponder
What we Masons pledged to do,
When, prepared at yonder altar,
We assumed the Mason’s vow;
Foot and knee, breast, hand and check,
Let these oft our duties speak.

Let us never forget our vows brethren.
Sam House,
Senior Warden