First Quarter Recap
Greetings, Brethren! We have started off to a very exciting first quarter with several raisings in the month of January alone. The new brothers have already proven to be active in our fraternity and I think we will see more than a few them joining our officer line. We have also had several brothers affiliate with Culver City-Foshay Lodge.
In mid-February, we were very fortunate to have a most enlightening visit by the Worshipful Timothy Hogan, who presented the topic of Alchemy and Freemasonry. This event, although not officially part of the Esoterica Group, was a great way to introduce many curious brothers into what the group touches upon during their monthly Sunday meetings. The Esoterica Group, in February, had a screening of the film “The Nature of Existence” followed by a Q & A session, led by the film’s director, Roger Nygard.
Both the wardens of our lodge, Brother Miller and Brother House sat in the East, recently, and did wonderful jobs conferring the first and second degrees. In the month of March we were graced with a visit by Most Worshipful John L. Cooper, lll who gave a brilliant lecture on the concept of traditional observance lodges. It is wonderful to hear from brothers of other lodges that our lodge has an energy and feeling that is not found in other lodges and that they rarely see attendance at degrees that they have seen in our lodge and that the compelling programs we offer are first rate. Soon after reading this we will be holding our table lodge, which should prove to be another great program of the year. Of this event, I am hopeful that we will be extremely proud.
Adam Wolf, Master