Masonic Law and Customs-The Formation of New Lodges


Masonic Law and Customs-The Formation of New Lodges

Greetings Brethren!  The grand Lodge has been busy instituting and chartering new lodge at a pace faster than it has practiced for many years.  I believe the brethren will find interesting, California Masonic law that pertains to lodge formation.  I have included it as follows.  Please enjoy!


A Lodge can be formed only by authority of a dispensation from the Grand Master, or of a Charter issued by Grand Lodge. A Charter shall not be granted to any Lodge until it has worked a time under dispensation, and has exhibited to Grand Lodge satisfactory evidence of its Masonic capability. Grand Lodge has the sole right to grant or direct a Charter to be issued to worthy Master Masons if qualified. If any Lodge duly chartered by any Grand Body recognized by this Jurisdiction shall, with the consent and approval of such Grand Body, petition Grand Lodge for a Charter, Grand Lodge shall have the power to issue a Charter to the Lodge upon such terms and in such manner as it deems proper without any Dispensation having been issued. The anniversary of the formation of the Lodge is the date of the issuance of the Dispensation by the Grand Master, not the date of the Charter. [Source: Section 710 of the 1991 California Masonic Code.]

Article pertaining to Masonic Law and Customs will appear in future issues of our Trestleboard.


Clarence D. Kussner, P.M., Secretary.

Dues and Donations


Dues and Donations

Greetings Brethren!  As a new Masonic year has begun, I welcome any of your comments or concerns for the benefit of the lodge and its clerical efficiency.  I appreciate the timely attention given by all who have already paid their dues for the year 2018.  If any have forgotten, please accept this as brother and friendly reminder.  I welcome in confidence, hearing from anyone who may be struggling financially and unable to pay his dues.  If this applies to any of you, please know that your welfare is our foremost care.

If you are able to pay your dues, please send your remittance with the envelope that was mailed to your residence.  If you have misplaced the statement, please contact me at the number below, and a new statement will be mailed. If you prefer, you may also pay your dues on-line, through PayPal.  For this method, please visit: From the Home Page, go to the pulldown menu and select “dues and donations.”  Payments through PayPal made be made through your bank account or with a credit card.

Finally, my brothers, please advise me or the Senior Warden of the lodge, if you know of any sickness or distress among our members or involving their families.


Clarence D. Kussner, P.M., Secretary.

2016 Life Membership Investment Resolution Schedule 1

2016 Life Membership Investment Resolution Schedule 1

“The bylaws are to be amended as follows”
The attached is the first notice to the membership. I know we voted to consider a resolution to engage Grand Lodge to invest and administer the Life Membership Fund, however, I think motion should be amended to “consider approval of a Resolution to engage Grand Lodge to invest and administer the Lodge’s Life Membership Funds after the second notice in the March Trestleboard.” According to the documentation and instructions I acquired off the Grand Lodge web site, we first have to send out the Schedule 1 notice indicating the Stated Meeting at which the resolution will be considered. As the form indicates that takes place March 2nd. After discussion and consideration of feedback by any of the membership present and there being no reason not to continue with the process we then in March send out Schedule 2 which states that at the Stated Meeting to be held April 6th we will vote on the Resolution to engage Grand Lodge to invest and administer our Life Membership Funds.

Unlike the change to the By-Laws to amend the Life Membership Plan to Plan B (indexed to age) that required only one month notification in the Trestleboard this resolution requires 2 months publication, February and March. We vote April 6th.

To assist you in locating any and all event emails for this and other events, search these hashtags used for this occasion in your email search form.

Thank you Alfonso Mujica

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